A Large Number Of Abbreviation  Short Form Are Available in the Postal Department. Every Person Does Not Know About the Post Office Full Form.

ADG – Assistant Director General

AGM – Additional General Manager

APS – Army Post Service

BD – Business Development

CCR – Chennai City Region

CEPT – Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology

CGM – Chief General Manager

CP – Corporate Planning

CPMG – Cheif Postmaster General

CVO – Chief Vigilance Officer

DARPAN – Digital Advancement of Rural Post Offices for a New India

DBT – Direct Benefit Transfer

DDG – Deputy Director General

DPS – Director Postal Services

GDS & PCC – Gramin Dak Sevak & Pay Commission Cell

HQ – Headquarters

IIPA – Indian Institue of Public Administration

IPPB – India Post Payments Bank

IR & GB – International Relations & Global Business

NBR – Next Below Rule

PBI – Post Bank of India

PG, QA & I – Public Grievances, Quality Assurance & Inspections

PLI – Postal Life Insurance

PMG – Post Master General

PMU – Project Management Unit

PSB – Postal Services Board

PTC – Postal Training Centre

RANKPA – Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy

SLY – Select List Year

SR, Legal &VP – Staff Relation, Legal & Vigilance Petition

HPO – Head Post Office

TMO – Transit Mail Office

TSO – Town Sub Office

PSO – Packet Sorting Office

SSPO’s – Senior Superintendent Post Office

SSRM – Senior Superintendent Railway Mail

SDI(P) – Sub Divisional Inspector ( Postal)

ASPO’s – Assistant Supt. Post Office

IRM – Inspector Railway Mail

ASRM – Assistant  Superintendent Railway Mail

PA – Postal Assistant

SA – Soerting Asssistant

VP – value Payable

COP – Certificate of Post

RMS – Railway Mail Service

POD – Proof of Delivery

BNPL – Book Now Pay Later

CTMO – Computerised Transit Mail Office

SAL – Surface Air LIft Mail

PSD – Postal Store Dipo

CSD – Circle Stamp Dipo

MPCM – Multi purpose Countee Machine

UPU – Universal Postal Union

AMPC – Automatic Mail Processing Center

PIN – Postal Index Number

SPO – superintendent Of Post Office

V-SAT – Very Small Aperture terminal

ESMO – Extended satellite Money Order

HMS – hybrid Mail Service

GPO – General Post Office

TO – Transit Office

CRC – Computerized Registration Center

SSO – Sorting Sub Office 

NPO – Night Post Office

CBU – Central Bagging Unit

KBU – Kendriya Bagging Unit

RLO – Returned Latter Office

FPO – Foreign Post Office

FSPO – Foreign Sub Post Office

CMO – Corporate Mail Office

BMO – Bulk Mail Office 

MMC – Mass Mailing Center 

PSO – Press Sorting Office 

HRO – Head Record  Office

SRO – Sub Record Office 

UBO – Unit Bag Office 

CBO – Circle Bag Office

CBO – Central Bag Office 

DBO – District Bag Office

SSA – Subsidiary Sorting Office 

SPB – Speed Post Bag 

RPB – Registered Post Bag

HVMO – High-Value Money Order 

IMO – Instant Money Order

HSA – Head Sorting Assistant

CSI- Core System Integration

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