SLNO. Acronym Technology Terms Description used in Postal Department Category
1.       CIS Core Insurance Solutions CIS
2.       CM Change Management CM
3.        MBE Mail Booking Engine CSI
4.       CSI Core Systems Integrator CSI
5.       DPMS Delivery Postman Management System CSI
6.       IPVS India Post Visibility System CSI
7.       LSM Letter Sorting Machine CSI
8.       LSS  Labour Scheduling System CSI
9.       MLASS  Mail & Logistics Appointment Scheduling System CSI
10.    PIS  Personal Information System CSI
11.    SPS  Sort Program System CSI
12.    SSO  Single Sign-On CSI
13.    TMS  Transport Management System CSI
14.    DRC Data Recovery Centre DRC
15.    ATM  Automated Teller Machine FSI
16.    CBS  Core Banking Solutions FSI


 Enterprise Content Management System FSI
18.    EMV Chip  Euro Master Card Visa FSI
19.    FSI Financial System Integrator (Financial Services System Integrator) FSI
20.    MoH  Mail Operations Hardware MoH
21.    DCF Data Centre Facility NI
22.    DNS Domain Name system NI
23.    GUI  Graphical User Interface NI
24.    LAN IP  Local Area Network Internet Protocol NI
25.    MAC binding  Media Access Control NI
26.    MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching NI
27.    NI  Network Integration NI
28.    NIOP  Network Integration Operations Plan NI
29.    NOC  Network Operations Centre NI
30.    NOFN National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN): NI
31.    NSP  Network Service Provider NI
32.    SIC card  Smart Interface Card NI
33.    SNAC Symantec Network Access Control NI
34.    TNF  Technically Not Feasible NI
35.    VPNOBB  Virtual Private Network over Broad Band NI
36.    WAN Wide Area Network NI
37.    RH  Rural Hardware RH
38.    DARPAN Digital Advancement of a Rural Post office for A New India RSI
39.    RICT Rural Information Communication Technology (Rural ICT) RSI


 Rural System Integrator RSI
41.     AMPC Automated Mail Processing Centre Tech term
42.     COD Cash on Delivery Tech term
43.     eMO electronic Money Order Tech term
44.     MNOP Mail Network Optimization Project Tech term
45.     MPCM Multi-Purpose Counter Machine Tech term
46.     PBI Post Bank of India Tech term
47.     WUMT International Western Union Money Transfer Tech term
48.    BIU Business Intelligence Unit Tech term
49.    CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) Tech term
50.    CEPT  Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology Tech term
51.    DBT Direct Benefit Transfer Tech term
52.    DPR Detailed Project Report Tech term
53.    DSCI Data Security Council of India Tech term
54.    Eol Expression of Interest Tech term
55.    FTP  File Transfer Protocol Tech term
56.    GIS Geographical Information System Tech term
57.    GL General Ledger Tech term
58.    GPS Global Positioning System Tech term
59.    GUP Group update Provider Tech term


International Money Order Tech term
61.    IMTS International Money Transfer Service Tech term
62.    IPPB India Post Payments Bank Tech term
63.    IVR Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Tech term
64.    KPI Key Performance Indicator Tech term
65.    LSA Licensed Service Area (LSA) Tech term
66.    MMTS Mobile Money Transfer Service Tech term
67.    MoU Memorandum of Understanding Tech term
68.    MTTR  Meantime to resolve Tech term
69.    NACH National Automated Clearing House Tech term
70.    NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer Tech term
71.    NPCI National Payment Corporation of India Tech term
72.    OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer Tech term
73.    OTP One Time Password Tech term
74.    PIC  Project Implementation Committee Tech term
75.    PMA Postman Mobile Application Tech term
76.    PMU  Project Management Unit Tech term
77.    PRS Passenger Reservation System Tech term
78.    RCA  Route Cause Analysis Tech term
79.    RFP  Request for Proposal Tech term


Real-Time Gross Settlement Tech term
81.    SAP  Systems Applications & Products Tech term
82.    SLA  Service Level Agreement Tech term
83.    SMS Short Messaging Service (SMS) Tech term
84.    SRS  Software Requirement Specifications Tech term
85.    STQC Standardization Testing and Quality Certification Tech term
86.    UAT  User Acceptance Testing Tech term
87.    UIDAI Unique Identity Development Authority of India Tech term
88.    NIC National Informatics Centre Tech term
89.    NOC Network Operating Centre
90.    UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
91.    AMS Agency Management System
92.    NISG National Institute for Smart Government
93.    SI System Integrator
94.    SLR Service Level Requirement
95.    POS Point of Sale Systems
96.    SAN Storage Network
97.    WFMS Workflow Management System
98.    USP Universal Service Provider
99.    HRMS Human Resources Management System


Lead Management System
101.                   SDP SDP: Service Delivery Platform
102.                   NOFN National Optical Fibre Network
103.                   OFC Optical Fibre Cable
104.                   CIC Circle Implementation Committee
105.                   RIC Regional Implementation Committee


Technical Projects Implementation Committee
107.                   CIM Customer Interaction Management
108.                   EMS Enterprise Management System
109.                   NMS Network Management System
110.                   ESB Enterprise Service Bus
111.                   FRS Functional Requirement Specification
112.                   RFD Results Framework Document.
113.                   PCC Project Coordination Committee
114.                   ARC Architecture Review Committee
115.                   EFMS Electronic Fund Management System
116.                   CPSMS Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System.
117.                   IP Internet Protocol.
118.                   IVRS Integrated Voice Response System


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